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The Holidays Are Coming: Turkey Treats for Your Thanksgiving Issue Back

The holidays are just around the corner. Halloween is followed quickly by Thanksgiving and before you know it, December will have come and gone. This is the perfect time of year to spread some good cheer and let your readers know you appreciate them.

Your newsletter can act as a greeting card to your readers. Dress up the front page with a holiday message, choose some seasonal clip art, and you have a simple way to wish your readers “Happy Holidays!”

Your November newsletter can kick off the holiday season with a “Happy Thanksgiving” theme. Include our Turkey Trivia quiz and recipes for using leftover turkey. The kids will love making Thanksgiving crafts and will enjoy sharing turkey jokes. Be sure to include illustrations and clip art that revolve around the Thanksgiving theme.

So, don’t be a turkey. Have fun with your holiday themed newsletter and your readers will be sure to eat it up!


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